OnePlus 7 Review comparison with OnePlus 6T

OnePlus 7 Review comparison with OnePlus 6T

Hey, this is sreehari from Mr. phone and I'm just back from the 1 7 series launch now with the 1 7 Pro we know each and everything that there is to know about that phone thanks

phone review with this super detail and if youhavent saw that then I feel really sorry for you well don't worry because you can watch that video so there is

a link in the description and a card up here so please go and watch the 1% pro full review but here we are here to talk about the 1 7 a

a phone that almost nobody thought would make any sense but suddenly as soon as Carl pay announced the price for that phone here in Indiaeveryone went crazy so hey this really

phone again and let's do a quick look at the 1 7now like me if you also are in love with the red hot color of the one plus seventeen

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phone and other phones that you want to know about now there are a ton of things to talk about the one plus seven that's it I'm only going to talk about

the few things that make it one of the most value for money phones right now here in India now when it comes to design and display its pretty much the same

when compared to the one plus sixty it's almost the same device you won't be able to tell the difference because the fingerprint scanners at the front the back is glass there

no fingerprint scanner at the back its all pretty much the same apart from the new color so you have a red and a mirror gray color so those are the two

colors that you get with one plus seven those that differentiate it from the one plus sixty but the real killer here is the snapdragon 855 now the Snapdragon 855 is an

upgrade over the Snapdragon 845 that we saw in the one plus 60 and its a beast of a chipset right now the benchmark scores are through the roof for the Snapdragon 855

and even with theone plus seven pros the reason that that phone is this snappy and works this smooth if that's not black and 8:55 and what do you know you

get that inside theone plus seven so when comparing to the one plus seven throws you are not compromising on the processor which just so happens to be one of the

most important parts of a smartphone so you have the Snapdragon 855 and along with that at the 33,000 prices of the 32 triple nine prices you also get six gigs of RAM

and 128 GB storage mind you that you do not get the red color with that for the red color wonders is smart enough to couple colors with the higher inversion so

you have the 38000 version that you get with the red color leave that outlets talk about the base variant which is the 6 TB 128gb v8 whatis the other

the thing that makes the 1 plus 7 so so desirable well when you look at that 128 GB storage that storage is the exact same as 3.0 stories that you get with

the one plus 7 pros now there might be very few people out there who know how important the storages but let me tell you honestly that ufs 3.0 is almost as

important as a snapdragon 855 or as important as that chip said that you have inside that storage is responsible for loading your apps so when you open a phone you load

YouTube you open your game all that loading happens on the storage so that is why if you have better storage of faster storage you will have a faster smartphone experience

overall which is my iPhones feel so fast iPhones use and storage and out really fast when it comes to their read and write speeds now you have your FS 3.0 you

have snapdragon 855 apart from that what else you also get stereo speaker effect that is something that you did not get with the one plus 60 you get that here it looks

pretty much the same compared to a one plus sixty but it's so much better in real life you get such good audio out of it because of the stereo effect and

you have Dolby Atmos support on it now coming to the battery you have the same 3700 mAh battery that you get with one plus 60 it's 300 am it's less than the one percent pro that said I am pretty

damn sure that you can get a better battery life of the one four seven prime Lee because of a smaller display unless a resolution and a lesser refresh rate on the display what that means is that if you really love your battery life and you want a longer battery life more than anything compared to the one person in central I would

say go to the one plus seven that said there's another thing that the one percent row has that the seven does and that is WAP charge so you get thirty what

fast charging 30 what Bob charge with the one percent row but you only get a 20-watt fast charging with seven now its the same 20-watt fast charge that you

got with one plus 60 so you have no compromises there that said the one-play 7 pro does come with a faster charging solution now coming to cameras you do not get

the triple camera setup you actually lose both the telephoto and the wide-angle lens but you do get the same 48-megapixel sensor the Sony sensor they regard with the 1 7

Pro so there is a big upgrade on the camera as well on the front you have a 16-megapixel sensor we don't know if its the same sensor that you get

with the 1% Pro but you have a 16-megapixel sensor at the front now with the few minutes that I had on the show floor I took a few pictures here

are the camera samples from the 1 plus 7 let me know in the comment section what do you think of them let me know if they are worth it and let

I know if you really feel that they are a downgrade when it comes to the 1 7 pro camera now we've talked about all the important things but there's just one

more thing that makes the 1 plus 7 so desirable and that is the price the 1 60 launched at37 triple 9 here in India for the 6 GB RAM 128gb

version the 1 7 is going for32 triple 9 that is 5000 rupees less than what the one was 16 launched it and apart from that another interesting thing is that

the wonder 60 just before launch almost three weeks before the launch of the 107 was actually discounted and was going for 32 triple 9 so basically, you get the 1 7

for the heavily discounted price of the 1 60 which people before the launch of theone plus seven thought was such a good deal now a minute of silence for the people

who bought 1 60s before the 1 7 launches I know a lot of people are sad that they spend so much money on the 1 60 and most of them

cant do nothing about it you have a 1 60 you know that you could have gotten the next version phone with so much better specs at the exact same price but

you can't do anything about it well there were a lot of people who asked me as well and I suggested most of them to wait for the 1 7 7 throw launch

some of them did not know is it really their fault not really because at the 32 triple 9 prices it really felt like a very good

deal you could not get a 1 plus flagship for 33,000 maybe last 2 last year you could but this year you couldn't and that felt like such a good deal now

while England that oneplus launched the oneplus 7 at a price lower than their last phone and something that they've never done before really sad that oneplus did this to their

consumers when you're building a brand a lot of people all the fans all the people who thought that the 1 / 60was going for such a phenomenal price and bought

that phone and now reallypissed that you have another phone now I don't know how people are going to react to this and I don't know how one press is going

to handle what people are going to say because I know a lot of people bought and we already know that 1 60was one of the most selling devices on Amazon

in the premium section and just imagine how many units they must have sold with the 5000rupees price cut now as of now there's no word on an exchange program for

one place for people who bought a sixty a month about two months ago and I'm not expecting oneplus to do that but for the people who bought the one-two sixty maybe

a day before or two days before the launch I'm pretty sure theyre verypissed and I'm pretty sure the rent less will need to handle and answer all their questions so

up to what they did let's see what happens if something happens we'll let you know for sure but till then its what it is you cant trade out your oneplus 60

s and for the people who waited for the 1 7 launches go eyes closed and get the 1 7 the 3rd 3 33,000 versions it's just a phenomenal deal I don't

think you can get a better deal right now and with that, we come to an end of this first impressions let me know what you thought of this in the comment

section let me know if you were among the ones who bought the one plus 60and what do you feel let me know in the comment section what to do lets

have that there that's it for this one thank you so much.

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