OnePlus 7 Pro Review

OnePlus 7 Pro Review - The Good and The Bad

Hi everyone here for Ripon and this is the one plus 7Pro I've been using it for about a week and a half or so I've had my SIM

the card in it for quite a bit of that and this is one of my favorite Android phones or favorite phones I've ever used quite honestly there's so much good about it

but Imgoing to cover the good and the bad now let's start off with the good the first thing is its design it feels really nice in the hand its very

futuristic feeling very similar to a galaxy phone this curved edge here leading to a very inside edge makes it just feel really great in the hand now, of course, it's very

slippery because of this finish back so if you use the included case that definitely helps or you could buy a different one as well I just like to use it without

the case because it just feels like I'm holding a phone that more futuristic of course because it has no bezels hardly it has no forward-facing camera or not hunched in

here so it just really looks great and I like the design a lot, of course, we have this switch on the side which also adds to it and I don't know

why more Android manufacturers don't do this but to silence the phone or let it ring or vibrate that is by far one of the best features of this phone and me

don't know why they don't add that to every Android phone now the next thing, of course, is this display its the best display easily on any phone as far as the

way it looks its got great viewing angles and just, of course, it filling out this whole front of the phone makes it look that much better and the display is 31

20 by 1440 with516 pixels per inch and its 6.67 inches this is a big phone and give you a comparison here is a pixel three XL and that gives

you an idea of its size so it's a pretty big phone and a little bit taller than an s10 plus ora pixel three XL and it's about the same width

but its definitely a little taller and it's very heavy I don't know if that has to do with all the components inside for the forward-facing camera well talk more about

that in a moment but the main thing with this display is its ninety Hertz refresh rates super smooth all the time now you can turn that down to 60 frames

per second but you can see the difference know if you can see it on this video the videos at 60 60 or 60 frames per second but its definitely noticeable purpose

and person and anyone has I've shown it to has been very impressed and I 've yet to see it slowed down and that leads to the next point of speed the snapdragon 855

coupled with a well at least this version has 8 gigabytes of ram you can bump that to 12 gigabytes or get one with 6 gigabytes but this has aits in the

middle and its plenty fast and fluid with 8 gigabytes of RAM but the RAM management is good I don't find myself seeing apps reload regularly or anything like that it's just

a very nice phone to use and eight gigabytes is probably the sweet spot if you want to spend a little bit more you can do that and get the twelve gigabytes

but it starts at 669 this is the $6.99 version and then you can go a little bit more expensive but I think if you're going to go with one and you

just want to save a little bit of money you can do that then it has 256 gigabytes of internal storage that's now upgradable and this is actually the t-mobile version which

isnt as good and I'll talk about that in a moment but let's move on to the next good thing other than speed since it doesn't really ever slow down in fact

I've not had it slowed down once the next thing is the camera is super fast has a lot of different options, of course, we've got video now the video

options are quite nice this will capture 4k 60 so you'll see there's an ultra-wide lens there's manual HDR control we also can share data and those sorts of things turn on a 3x3 or golden ratio grid whatever you like its in here it's very customizable and nice and you'll see I have the

flashlight on so if you want to light your subject you can do that while you're taking a video, of course, you've got a photo in portrait modes and then of course we've

got that wide-angle lens like I mentioned before so you've got a normal lens telephoto and wide-angle and let's take a look at some of those photos from this now of course we

have that forward-facing lens and when we hit the button here it spins around and pops up the camera and this works really well it's pretty flawless and no issues there whatsoever

I really think its a great way to do that as long as this is durable and one plus keeps releasing videos showing how durable this front-facing camera is so I think its gonna

be fine for most people and it does have a portrait mode and all of those things so in general its a great camera it is not as good as what at

photos as a pixel 3xl video are pretty good as well take a look at some of the videos from ithereyoull see the video is pretty good I'm not going to

say its as good as an iPhone as far as the video is concerned but for the most part, the camera is going to be great for most people the nightscape

in my experience is not as good as saying pixels version but for most people, this is going to be fine and is not a huge compromise unless you're really into photography

you'll notice or you'll just use something like a mirrorless or a DSLR or something like that a mirrorless camera so I think its more than sufficient and in just as

good as most other cameras now the next positive thing is the speakers it has a speaker at the very top here and then one at the bottom and it is in

steroids very similar to how an iPhone sounds because its shooting sound out the bottom and towards you with this one so you can't really hear it in a video like this

but when you're playing video and things they're nice and loud no issues with them they sound good they do get a little tinny at high volumes and I wouldn't say theyre

phenomenal but they're pretty good for the most part I don't think most people would be upset with the quality of them and if you really want higher quality you're going to

use headphones or something else now the final good thing is the fingerprint reader so if we turn the display on its super-fast its incredibly fast for a fingerprint reader now

it may not be as secure is say a Samsung Galaxy S10 plus because of that using sonic or ultrasonic but this is actually using a camera under the display so if

we turn it on we can just do it like this it's fast every time switch fingers I do have this one programmed sometimes there's a little bit of lag but for

the most parts as fast as any fingerprint reader I've used so it seems pretty good as far as that goes now the next thing is a mid category of good

and bad and that leading to the battery now the battery is a four thousand milliamp-hour battery and for the most part its pretty good it should get you through most

of the day but it is not phenomenal and I don't know if I can show you here but I was finding I was getting about five hours of screen on time

end so I've gotten better on other phones I find that it's okay it's acceptable and what really helps is the fast charger this Warp charger really does work well if your

low on battery plug it in for 15 minutes and you're good to go for another half a day or so so really if you don't think too much about it its

not that big of a deal as long as you can plug in for 15or 20 minutes you'll be fine otherwise it's going to be a pain for you now

that leads to the next category which is the bad things about the one plus 7 Pro and the first thing is no wireless charging now this may not be bad for some

people find it to be very convenient without it, of course, you have that warpedcharger I just mentioned but I really appreciate when we have wireless charging I wish they could have done that but they didn't its the end of the world

but where this phone lacks that's one of the areas the next thing is there's no headphone jack and again this isnt going to be a huge deal for many people today

but no headphone jack when one plus is all about not compromising the experience kind of is a little frustrating to me at a time since the pixel 3a and 3a Excel actually

added one back so I would love to see that but I don't really hold my breath for that and it's not a huge deal but it may be for some the

next thing, of course, is no IP rating and while I'm not really sold on the whole IP rating thing I think it's helpful but since manufacturers don't cover it anyway if

it's damaged in water even if their seals don't hold its not a huge deal to me but one plus has said they basically done what's required of an ip68 certification without getting

certified so that it saves us money I'm not really willing to test that but it seems like it holds up well in some other test underwater so I think

Youll be fine for the most part I wouldn't take it swimming or anything like that but getting some water on it should be okay now I have two more bad things

and they're really minor quite honestly one of them is no visual voicemail for free this is an at-mobile version of the phone so you actually have to pay for their visual you

can try it out when it comes to the actual om version of this it may be different then another thing has to do with updates this is the t-mobile version and

this will not be true if you have the OEM version or the one you order from their website if you go down here and goto system update there's only the

April update but this does not have things like DC dimming to help with the display if it bothers your eyes like it does for me and it also does not have

some of the other features that come with the OEM version so that is the actual updates come later these this update didn't come until yesterday and it still doesn't have all

the features I was looking forward to so there's that otherwise though this is a great phone it is incredibly fast you can see heres Chrome if we go back out maybe

go into music here everything just loads crazy fast all the time and I have no issues with it whatsoever I highly highly recommend this phone if you're looking for an Android phone

that's as close to OEM as possible in fact that should be another positive for me is its basically a stock Android phone with a couple features like this switch here that

add to the experience they won't try and manipulate or change the experience so I think its really great let me know what you think in the comments below of course Ill

link this wallpaper its a motion wallpaper if you haven't seen it kind of zooms in when you unlock the phone.

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