Seven Preparations You Should Make Before Using Xiaomi Mi pad 4 review.

Seven Preparations You Should Make Before Using Xiaomi Mi pad 4 review.

So this just in it is the Mi pad 4 so the latest Mi Pad and finally Xiaomi has moved away from MediaTek and they're using now Qualcomm chips.

So we have the snapdragon 660 which is a really good move not that MediaTek is bad they're just not as good as their Qualcommcounterparts in both performance the GPUs they

normally use and the efficiency of those chipsets so this model is different from the B pair 3because its now using a 16 by 10 aspect ratio, not the 4 by

3 the resolution is down on that screen so it won't be as sharp it's no longer that Retina panel that we have seen in so many devices the 7.9 inch one

we have an 8 inch now 1920by 1200 resolution it is still an IPS panel the battery capacity has gone down though it's gone down 600 million hours so it's six

thousand in total, not the6600 on my pad 3 but the battery life on this model will actually be better because it has a more efficient chipset that's Snapdragon 660

so my version has four gigabytes of RAM 64 gigabytes of storage there is a higher spec model that does have LTE support so I bought this model here from trading chains in

they have included an EU adapter for me and a type C 2 USB OTG adapter so I can see the packaging is fairly simple the tablet is there and it doesn't

seem to have any padding around it but its got the box to protect it I can see that it does actually come with a pre-applied screen protector on this

matte so if you want the screen to be met and not glossy then you can probably actually just leave it on there so up the front here we do have

a 5megapixel camera but well take a look at the tablet in detail in just a minute first Ill just cover the box contents so we have our power adapter here

it's a very small one of those little travel ones the maximum rating is 5volts 2 amps so I don't know whether they phone sorry the tablet I'm going to call it

a phone an eye as supporting Qualcomm quick charge 3 I will have to check that out it could be disabled even though the chipset supports it then inside this little leaflet

we have a little warranty card thing that's all in Chinese I won't bother showing you that and that the micro SD card tray tool or some tool if you happen

to get that LTE version with very limited Chinese bands on it and then, of course, a type C cable here very quick size comparison here so it looks almost like a

very large phone perhaps this will be the size of theme max for who knows this is the Mi Max 2right here so that six-point four inches and this

is eight inches and then this as the six-point five nine Vivo NEX s which I'm currently testing the battery life on you can see quite a bit smaller there compared

to these two giants so low on the bottom where you'll find the loudspeakers we have a microphone which is that little dot on the left to the left I should say

of the type C port, two Torx screws holding the rear casing to the plastic frame this is actually plastic around the outside here so that screwed into place on the left is

the SIM tray which of course I pulled out now so you can see micro SD card support on this which is great and there is a gap here so this

the gap is where you would put a nano-SIM if you happen to have that LTE version on the top 3.5millimeter headphone jack with microphone support secondary microphone and you can see

plastic for the Bluetooth and wireless reception you also note too that they didn't do anything silly like remove this Jack I was a little bit worried at the beginning that

they might remove and I thought surely not on a tablet it's great to have it here the rear autofocus camera with an F 2.0 aperture its 13 megapixels these

buttons here on the right are made out of metal but I've noticed that this one is a little loose and it will actually rattle around so you can see that its

relatively slim build quality is all good apart from at least for my unit here I'm getting some rattling coming through or that button but that is it otherwise it's a solid

well-put-together tablet with a good finish so will not have me white get that's still in beta the stables coming I think sometimes soon so later on it will be coming

with that, of course, they'll update all of their new a stocks the boot time here now it's probably already being set up but because I think our trading Shinzon would

have possibly put google play on there for me again I can see that they have done that disappointing to see how this is only going to be because its the white

the version here with a white bezel that we're gonna have this border around the screen just like on the mean max you can see it there so it does stand out well

the black version you won't notice it there which is a little bit annoying so for free storage you've got 52 gigabytesstraight out of the box with a 64-gigabyte model

it ships with me away nine point six point three and it does have a security patch level of May the first and it is Android 8.1 but there is an update

available its 99 megabytes and it improves the system stability and performance now it seems that I did not escape a large update we've got a 1.3-gigabyte update that came through

well after the 99 megabytes one quick peek now at the camera sensor information and the sensor so the front camera is a 5 megapixel Samsung one the rear camera is a

13-megapixel Omni version we have an accelerometer gyroscope and then ALS that is our ambient light sensor so as much as I want to keep it I'm gonna have to

lose this matte screen protector if I want to look at the screen properly so well get that off you can see it is nice and vibrant it's well clear at the

a moment we'll take a look now at some colors but before I do I'll show you some of theme UI features we've got on here so we do have double tap

to wake something that I think was brought on by LG quite a few years ago the most interesting thing here, of course, is the reading mode sothatll put on the

blue light and you can schedule that at whatever time suits gonna kill the blue light make it a little bit easier on your eyes so that perfect to use this

as an e-book reader and then, of course, we do have this contrasting car which is the most interesting for me so it's on automatic contrast by default you can increase it

or stand it which I find then it actually looks the best more correct if you will with the white balance then you can adjust it here so you can put it

onto a warm or cool when you use this right here so you can change it all that now onto the display so I pointed out we've got that kind of ugly

arent they the black bar the border around the outside it isn't too Pleasant now some see this screen as a downgrade from the meat pad one two and three but I

don't actually in using it its a bright screen 500 Lux max is brighter than what we're getting on, for example, me pad3 the viewing angles are what you'd expect

for an IPS panel, it is fully laminated it's covered with either Gorilla Glass or dragon tail glass and the DPI used for the Android operating system that is 320 so the

gamer comes in approximately 2.3 it should be 2.2 but it's understandable here it's veryclose it's not bad at all and some sample images here as well so it's a good-looking

screen a very nice panel I'm happy with this I don't see it as I mentioned as a downgrade okay were losing out on pixel density but it's not that much

of a massive difference when you're looking at it and unless, of course, you get out a microscope then and start to look at the screen so the blacks are deep enough

and color reproduction and things here are good so you can see that its not a super deep AMOLED black no but its IPS panel but overall a good panel

that Jeremy has gone with and this is also really great it will go to a super low dim level so you can actually look at the

screen with the lights off without burning out your retinas it's that duct that you can't see anything now I can just make it out and hopefully, I can turn up the

brightness here there we go and you can see that it just becomes super-bright there at over 500 Lux and you can actually make out the screen and use it well

not perfectly fine but almost in direct sunlight now we do have the full-screen gestures which I was really looking forward to because I think with this kind of screen it

would be nice to use it in fullscreen mode so I'm going to enable that because I have been using these gestures they do go through a quick little guide

here on how to learn to use them and it is very very simple so it just shows you what you need to do so you swipe up from the bottom and

it'll take you to home and if you swipe up and hold or pause as they say that your recent apps and then swiping from the sides the edges are going to

take you back from both sides there so it is fairly straightforward and once you swap over and start using it it is really quite good now there is a gaming mode

so this can restrict the background apps and it just helps really boost the performance of that game so you find your game you want and the list there and then you

select now you can see there are a few bloatware applications on this and your Chinese ones here so that the Google Play installer you can keep that but it'll probably actually

be on the internal storage and this other one here and in tools there's a few but it's not as much as I have seen so you can remove and uninstall all

of these you can also uninstall them in bulk there various different methods either through settings or you can just go along here and you can select those ones there that you

want to uninstall and then just get rid of them all in bulk free Ram you typically have around 2.5gigabytes on first boot it's a lot higher about 2.9 2.8 or

just clear things out now and it's gonna free up ma nothing to clearing cache actually nothing so about that is gonna be what you have free now an ideal use for

this tablet will be of course ebooks and you can turn on that blue light filter your able to do it actually from the toggles at the top you can see it

it's right there so reading mode turn that on and it's a little easier on your eyes and the text looks good its sharp its not too sharp the screen as the

I pad 12 3 because it's not using the retina panel but it is still perfectly fine at8 inches having 1920 by 1200 the resolution this is what it will

look like so it's going to be sharper than your book PDF magazines large files they look really good as well no problems if it's a huge file don't expect it to

beas fast as an iPad the iPad is gonna win no one can really beat the iPad in terms of reading PDF files large heavy ones that are so this has

decent speakers here one of a very few limited amount of tablets that do because normally these Chinese tablets when I review them they have terrible speakers but these ones they've got

the good volume they don't distort at 100% there is a tiny little bit of bass and also the quality out of the 3.5-millimeter headphone jacket does also sound very good

to me, it's just lacking if in radio which would have been nice to have on there but not a major for me at least but I'll give you some point out

of those speakers at one percent volume now beach marks are one thing, of course, it's only synthetic wanna gives you an average estimate of what it's going to be like compared to

other devices but I'll tell you now that the performance is very smooth so I've got a lot of apps here opened up and you can swap and go between them and

really that's not too much of an issue I haven't seen that typical full gesture full-screen model that I have seen on some of the mobiles, in fact, a couple

of Petras went out recently for the ribbing note 5 that did address that and it seems that they pulled that through those changes to the than being paid for here now

of course, you're gonna get some delays their that's typical with the internet loading things in its not 100% super smooth and perfect sometimes you will see a tiny little bit of animation

delay but overall the performance is very good and what you'd expect with the snapdragon 616 and the 4 gigabytes of RAM that particular version has right here so were browsing

in Chrome is very smooth the screen is very responsive to touch there are absolutely no issues with that even

though this has got a lot of images in its quite smooth there so I'll swap over now to a different tab and you can see that smooth every one here

as well really decent performance as expected for this particular chipset so it doesn't have a fingerprint reader on here which I feel they could have added this bottom bezel its

quite large they could have put a front-facing one on here so I've already added my face as you can see there is scanned it now Ivegot the tripod and the

camera in the way so this is probably not going to actually work so I will lock it and then you need to wake it first to tap the power button and

I'll try it now to get it to work ok ah there we go it did actually get it took a little while there because I've got the tripod and everything

else in the way but off-camera it will work quite quickly so does it have GPS, unfortunately, it does not have any GPS or a hardware compass which would have been

great if they'd have included that and also HDMI out then this could have been almost a perfect tablet oh and a fingerprint reader I mean the list could go on and

on and on but at least it does have anemic 5 for the internal storage emmc 5.1 spares very fast for this type of storage it's not going to bottleneck

the system if it was maybe an emmc 4.5 then it would the antutu score is very fast for an Android tablet a lot better than those MediaTek ones even if they've got

10 cause the six cause now this is a lot better those ones tend to cap out at about a hundred thousand points this is 144so very good speeds and I'm

seeing it so far that this is a fast tablet thanks of course to the lower resolution screen it's gonna be even quicker when it comes to things like gaming which

I will show you later on an example of that now we don't have full treble support yes it has android 8 which does support treble but we don't have access to

both of the partitions there that is typical Xiaomi and just like the DRM so DRM info reports that we've only got security level 3 for this and this what does that

mean this jargon well it means that Netflix in HD is not gonna work on this tablet so you have to find another way also to install it you can sideload

it or you can either just find it the easiest way APK mirror find it but you only have everything in standard definition okay two things here to point out I've plugged

it in my Qualcomm quick charge 3 chargers and no it's not supporting Qualcomm quick charge 3 as expected but it's going to charge and I think it is 10 watts the

rate and it will take approximately 3 hours to fully charge this tablet there is a white status notification LED you can see it right there so are there any pubseygamers out

there I try to play a little bit myself but I just don't have a lot of time but this device what the chip said it has in it and for

its price should be really good with an 8-inch screen as well now the graphics setting that you can use with this just to show you so high frame rate and the

HD now you can use applications like GFX tool to put it onto the highest settings and I can see already at the start here when a lot of players are

loading and that the performance seems really quite a good few little stutters what the ticks just loading in things like that but that is kind of normal still looking good very smooth

you can see ok so it does seem very playable very smooth the framerate its a lot better than the media ticket outlets that I've been testing out as a recent as

expected because there's a lot more powerful there's someone right there okay that must have been a bot I think so this is the sample now from the front-facing camera find the

video quality is perfectly acceptable it's going to be fine for using Skype the quality of the audio as well is good for a tablet trust me I have both seen and

heard a lot worse than this tablet in this price range so for me this is a perfectly acceptable sample from the rear camera so its got13 megapixels and for a tablet

camera the video quality is a riot the photo quality here are a couple of samples as you can see nothing amazing your mobile phone will take a better photo and video

than this what do you call it to use right now we don't have any settings whatsoever with video so I don't even know what resolution this is shooting it but

you can shoot in 4k if you use the open camera so this is now 4k with the open camera as mentioned and the quality a little bit better, of course, you do gain

more detail because of the increased resolution now the focus seems to be alright it's not going to definitely win any speed awards or anything like that, in fact, I don't you

think that focusing properly but you can't really speak to a lot after all this is a tablet and still great to see the fact that we can record in 4k now

for battery life, I've done a little bit of testing so I don't have enough time to do my full test because I'm going to need at least 10 hours if not

more because YouTubers streaming and for the brightness set at about 200 Lux are not the brightest setting I'm losing about 8% better life for one hour so that really good so it's looking very promising for on-screen time here my estimate and remember this is just an estimate is at least over 10

hours of continual on screen time so looking very good in terms of better life better than me pad 3 alright so to quickly recap here we have a very decent

tablet with good build quality apart from my volume buttons rattle that's just one thing with the build it's very minor and minor slight annoyance there otherwise the screen you could look

at some people will say to downgrade from the retina panel but I don't see it that way it is brighter the sharpness okay it's not gonna be as sharp because its

got a lower resolution but that is also going to aid the performance of things like games gaming it seems to perform really well pub G is going perfectly fine it's playable

the framerate is good you will see a couple of dips and stutters here in there ROM performance is really good so recently they worked on the full gesture animation stutters and

lags and bugs and things that I was seeing on the first devices that really got those ROMs and you swipe down for notifications and you see a bit of a stutter

or when you were multitasking occasionally it'll be a little bit stuttering it just wasn't a hundred percent fluent and smooth but its a lot better here still not quite perfect so there

are different models so you've got the three gigabyte RAM models to expect maybe it to be slightly slower but I've noticed not that much of a difference actually going from four

gigabytes to three and I noticed effect because I have another ribbon note five that's only got three gigabytes of RAM and 32 gigabytes of storage and honestly it's very hard

to tell the difference in performance from my four-gigabyte model there is the model of LTE but just be aware that it's going to have very limited band support there I know

the bands that they not normally typically use in China will actually work for me here in Spain so I will be okay it may be able to also make voice calls

but you will need to connect in a headset so you can obviously get a bit of privacy or something like that unless you don't mind using the loudspeaker and the microphones

onboard you know because there's no earpiece that is missing with this.

Cameras turned out to be better than your typical average Chinese tablet, in fact, you can record 4k with the open camera on the rear camera didn't expect that charge times are

looking to be about three hours that's just a guess judging from what percentage I was gaining and looking at GSam battery meter they're saying goes with battery life I've

only been able to test out for an hour or so just don't have time to get this video out and itis looking very promising so about 10 hours so overall

this is a solid great little tablet and the audio quality too is another thing that is positive now you would think that if you're holding it like this you're going to

block through speakers but you can still hear them well you do of course block them a little bit same goes for the wireless signal so we've got the antenna on the side

but I noticed that when I put my hand right over at my palm I was still getting a good ping rate in PUBG so that's not going to affect their performance

I was a little bit worried about that and that's simply not the case here so great to see micro SD card support no micro HDMI out I feel like a bit

of an error would have really liked seeing micro HDMI out on this I could connect it up to a TV there and that would want to be perfect what it

be even better, of course, would be GPScompass support and a front-facing finger scanner there so you can use fingerprint security instead of just relying on a pin code or

the face unlocking which does work its fast but just remembers it's not very secure so the price of this its priced I feel reasonable for what its offering and isit better

then the Mi Pad 3, I think it is its definitely faster the build they're about the same the quality of the speakers also about the same there better life this gets

the win as well this is the one to go for when I first got the Mi Pad 3 if you've seen my video from last year it was an absolute disaster

there were bugs and glitches in gaming it was a horrible stuttery missed at least when they released this one that's not the case because they've got a lot more experience

of course with Qualcomm's chips thank you so much for watching this review I do have to catch you back in the channel I've got plenty more up and coming there may

possibly be a gaming video with this one here and maybe an update on the exact battery life that I'm able to achieve in my full battery testing

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