Learn The Truth About Xiaomi Black Shark Review
Learn The Truth About Xiaomi Black Shark Review
Hi guys so Xiaomi's just been pumping out mobile phones have it now they even created now their own gaming brand of mobile phones and this is the first model this is
called the Black Shark so it's powered by Snapdragon 845 with Adreno 630 GPU it has six to eight gigabytes of RAM 64 go-outs of storage or 128 now I've got
the 64-gigabyte model so here's the optional control and they're the slots on to the top so it's going to be connecting up via Bluetooth because there are no connections on
the top there it seems very lightweight that box and you can see we do have some little triggers on the side of it and here is the black sharp and you
can see that its logo that's gonna be throughout this mobile phone so a bit of gamer bling of course its got to have the gamer black the red or the
green like all gaming devices in case you questioned whether it was a gaming device or not okay so this little slip on the top here that says you're a gamer lets
shark alright so here's the phone and that is huge it's not actually as heavy as I thought it was gonna be so that's a good thing its got a protective slip
over it there so first impressions it definitely looks gamer you because you can see around the edges here that green now there's that switch I think it is for the gaming
modes you just switch that up or down its got a little bit of texture on there and we do have the dual SIM trader on the side so at the
top there you can see the dualLED flash dual-tone we've got the two cameras here so one 20 megapixels, one 12 now its got this area here is like a
plastic this is well like have a matte plastic but the build quality of this says excellent actually feels really good in hand not bad at all and not as thick as
I thought it was going to beIll measure the weight and the thickness of it in just a second so you can see down the bottom where it says black shark
obviously and then we have what looks like two speakers perhaps were probably actually one of these will be the microphone the type C port there these are the antenna strips so
this type C port has another green accent in there just to remind you again that its gaming device so we've got some volume buttons there they're made out of metal and
the power on the button that does feel really good curved edges but excellent build quality no problems whatsoever with this so home button, slash fingerprint reader there on the front taking
a closer look at the cameras I can tell straight away that this does not have optical image stabilization I don't think it was actually advertised I was not expecting it and there
is that s logos so it's not as offensive as I thought it was gonna be the press images made it look like that this cuz was gonna be like some super
the hyperfluorescent green that's gonna stand out but it's not as bad as I thought so 198 grams and this is probably why it doesn't actually feel that heavy to me because
I'm used to a very similar weight with the Xiaomi mimicks 2s they're almost identical to the thickness comes in at nine points five millimeters there is really thickest point there
is no camera bold it doesn't actually stick out any more than the rest of the mobile phone so one thing I've noticed too that because of the way they've styled us
that it maybe feels a little bit better when your using it in landscape mode here just gives a little bit more grip it does not feel slippery either which is good
so let's take a look at what else we get inside the box I think there's a case in here and least I'm hoping there is so in this area here we've
got the Sun tool and yes there's the case so it's just one of those well bumper style cases here so it's just going to go around the outside protecting the edges
cutouts there for all your ports form that little switch at the top and of course, its branded there with black sharks that just clipped on very easily and it almost
looks like it is part of the phone so it's not giving too much protection really its gonna cover the edges here but it looks like it's not really going to protect
the screen if you light down flat it's not going to actually raise up there because it sits lying flush with the screen edge there and it's not gonna protect along here but
all the corners and things are protected at least from drops so that one good thing there and you can still access that switch the gaming mode and then the power and
volume buttons easy as well so we also get like a QuickStart Guide there that is in Chinese and here we have just a warranty card thing and they have included
great so here we have two other little boxes on here so in this compartment is actually labeled power adapter in English see here it is so this should be a Qualcomm
quick charge one and the maximum output there are 12 volts 1.5 amps a black-type C 2USB cable and also a type C 2 3.5 millimeter adapter and now the controller
of course, if you're interested in checking this one out see there it is you can see and its got a rubber textured little thumb controller and that is very light that
only seems to weigh like 20 grams or something like that there is a button right here what looks like an LED within it and there probably should be a type
C port on this to charge it okay there we go that is up the top and there is a little button here so this must be I have the release button
when you clip it on it looks to be actually there's like a mechanism in there you can just see there so that's how it's going to latch into it so that
must be those little dimples either side to keep that clipped on that was on the case and at the top here one little button there and two triggers now they're not
an analog trigger this one is just digital to straight on and off the same with the top button there so you can see if you want to use the joystick
you must use that case because otherwise it's just not gonna stay in place and will fall out oh and the back of it it says BlackShark and it's a textured
rubber so this gives quite a bit of grip to it so it looks like they've used quite a large dpi here and here's the programs wevegot installed on this it
doesn't seem to have a lot of bloatware normally with the Xiaomi phones they crammed on a lot of Chinese stuff that's completely irrelevant to people outside of china so first have
a look and see whats asking for permission locations just to go into settings that are interesting so here we go about the phone running Android 8 Oreo so it's only 8.0 I was
expecting hope for the 8.1 now there could be some patches coming out for this it got some joy UIbuild as the first one as well so that the ouija this
is using this is not me this is joy UI which is something completely different here now they 've got a room down the bottom on the bottom bezel to have hardware keys
here and they do have them but just they don't light up so that's good to see so there's a recent app back of course and then tapping this will take us
home so you can see the memory use on first boot here we get free 4.2 gigabytes so that plenty Android is taking up 1.8 let's have a look at its storage
to this being, 64 gigabyte model not a lot of free space there we've already used 12.6 small quickly test out the fingerprint reader and that's pretty quick but not the
fastest actually there a bit of a see a delay of about one second you can see that's definitely not as fast as my me macstew is perhaps some optimization is needed there
but I mean that's not bad at all its literally what about under that definitely under a second at least so here's the end to score very very good score here
this is really high for an Android device but it's not really that much higher than the show me I mix 2s with the same exact chipsets they more or less
got the same performance so you would have noticed that the case has these two little indentations here these tiny little dimples there's actually where the handles going to clip on so
the joypad will clip into this show you now so you just gotta line them both up and its lots in you will hear a little click and that is on there
that is really solid that's not to go anywhere because it got their whole case around it so that supporting it keeping that locked on you can hold it one-handed there it's very
rigid and it does feel comfortable but this is definitely not Xbox 360 Xboxone or ps3 4 controller comfortable yeah it has small its designed to be portable of course so
you can see a little light here so that's below because I've paired this up with Bluetooth, of course, it turns red when your charging and then it will turn I think
it was green or blue once fully charged it does not take long at all to charge I connected it up it probably really came with quite a bit of battery in
there and you can see how it is on the rear so that's very sturdy of course we've got that rubber on the back here so it gives us plenty of grips
when gaming and it is quite comfortable soIll show you the gamer mode now so you flip the switch up and that is going to enable it just warms you
so what this is going to do is gonna kill background tasks it's going to put you I think into do not disturb mode or silent mode so you won't be interrupted
with calls and Ill just test it out till I think tapping the home button if it accidentally tapped that its gonna do nothing no you can see there you need to
flip the switch it's just telling you there that you need to toggle that and that's good so that means its gonna keep you gaming you're not accidentally going to end up
on the home screen which can often happen on a lot of other mobiles so its good having that switch there so it will automatically detect a few games here and then
add them now ones that weren't added automatically I've just added them in here I've got a couple of settings here at the top now this is to do with the joystick
you your power and I did have a firmware update for the little joypad for it already so it seems they've done some sort of patch or something and you can
have a look at the calibration here, unfortunately, these parts got a bit of Chinese in fact not all of it is in Chinese here so it's just telling you you can
see there, for example, the CPU uses the GPU use and things like that I think its when you swipe the home button that's when you bring up that menu there so
the other options we get are no notifications whatsoever it's going to block them out completely so you can just toggle that on or off no calls on or off of course
extreme mode there so what I think that is doing is just changing the governor from interactive just to force it on all clocks so all calls are running at maximum I'm going
to give us a maximum performance that, of course, will choose through the battery life faster and we've got here clear round two so you 've got any background processes eating up the RAM
you simply just tap this and it'll let you know see there we go it just cleared out 37 megabytes so looking now how it handles pub G so you use your
finger to look around as you would you don't need to use the joystick kid to control anymore because that's now taken over by the hardware joystick so its gonna make
things a little bit easy for moving around especially you can sort of strap to the left or something like that when you're aiming and shooting at people its gonna make life
a bit easier now the button at the top I've noticed that doesn't really well it makes you control the aim there but it cannot look at this it goes all over
the place so I don't think that is configured properly I'm not too sure just at this point yet how to configure it now the top big trigger doesn't do anything so you
still have to shoot either that button which is gonna be easier or this one oh well someones actually trying to kill me and luckily I managed to kill them before they
killed me so its gonna make gaming a little bit easier and as far as the framerate goes I mean this is really smooth this is one of the smoothest experiences your
gonna get off course with a snapdragon 805 in a game like a pubg here see when I go and zoom in they're really smooth so this is a question that commonly
pops up here treble check so yes its supporting treble because its running Android eight Oreo and this is for more seamless OS updates and the good news is its both partition
a and Bso since this is a gaming mobile and it does not have a 3.5-millimeter headphone jack it better has good speakers and luckily it does so the extra-wide earpiece
at the top also houses another speaker so it does have dual speakers on here this is great and I think because it's a little bit bigger is also why it has
a few meds in here and it's a little bit more punch here than the typical ones we see like on shammies mmx2 all the mimics 2s its a
loudspeaker down here on the bottom is doing most of the work and it's just that one there that adds to it so I'll give you a sample of it now so
I'll give you a quick look at the screen here so so far my tears no complaints whatsoever its bright the viewing angles they're good for an IPS panel the touch sensitivity
and accuracy is excellent color reproduction looks good no complaints with the white balance or everything like that it's just a little strange isn't it that Xiaomi didn't opt for a hundred
and twenty Hertz panel in this with that higher refresh rate just making things super smooth then but its only just a standard 60 Hertz panel which is a shame then they could
have competed directly than with a braces phone but overall itis a decent screen and good and I feel its actually better than the Xiaomimimics two Ss screen so quick
look now at the camera application no surprises here it's using Xiaomi's mum 9.5 camera app there's portrait mode for the rear camera so you can get the blurred backgrounds there's no
portrait mode with the front-facing camera even though whether the sensor can I think you can do it because its software they use that AI is what they've been advertising the likes
of the rid me note 5 and another mobile so if you want that on the front-facing camera then you're going to be disappointed unless they decide to later add that
on so you've got the same typical modes and settings here won't really go into this into too much detail so for the video I've noticed that was going to get the same
modes you get on the mimics 2s considering it's using the same chipset so the video encoder you can actually set this to a TVC for that codec, of course, that's a
high-performance codec whether the smaller file size but the compatibility isn't that great especially with a lot of video editors and Windows machines and things like that for playback your gonna have
to install codecs image stabilization, of course, this is just going to be electronic image stabilization hopefully it's gonna work in 4k because it doesn't work on 4k on the Memex to
us yet now give you a few samples here from the camera this is just an initial first look I will go into a little bit more detail and give you more
samples in the final and full review of this mobile so this is a sample from the front-facing camera and can see that it's got the typical show-me problem that popped
up lately that it's overexposed because it's actually really overcast here and a lot darker than what I'm seeing on screen to be
able to see the clouds up here but you can't see anything at all so that's not good to see so Ill give you a short sample here from the rear camera
this is shooting 4k I do have electronic image stabilization enabled but I can see that clearly it does not seem to be working so just like this show me mimics 2s
audio is better though than the show mimics to us the focus I've noticed as in as good this does not have dual pixel autofocus and unfortunately phase detection autofocus you
can see it does do a little bit of focus hunting now and then but I don't mean its locking on to the guy there that's not too bad and I'll just
do a quick stability test here you can see it is shaking all over the place so not good hopefully show me can patch this and enable key is with 4k video
because the chipset can certainly handle it alright guys so first impressions the design of it the build quality is good design is it's interesting it is different the way it looks
it definitely looks like a gamer mobile phone there's no mistaking it with the green axon the typical black and red or black and green accents screen gaming doesn't I dontknow why
manufacturers must do that it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would when I saw the press images I thought wow that you know that's that little bit
ugly isn't it I mean it's not wonderful looking I definitely prefer the Memex 2s over this one in terms of the build and the style of it but it's great that
we do have this add-on little joystick here so it just clips into the top and it really does help with games especially running around in pop G it's just so much
easier, of course, having Hardware controls versus your touchscreen controls I always prefer and I pretty much sure that everyone will agree with me that hardware controls are the way to go
if you can of course if you can plug in a joystick and use that you would so that is great and its really easy to remove it but I mean it
is a huge robot phone is massive compared to my me max to look at it almost as tall so yeah big but Ido like the loudspeakers on this as
well but else because they're good better than me a mix to s and that is their flagship and this has better audio as well in video better audio and voice call so
far the main one call and yeah that's actually better there which is good so battery life I'm not too sure what it's going to be but in my 20 minutes of
gaming of pub G I lost about10% battery life so I've got calculating there you're looking at around about 4 to 5 hours of full-on gaming worth the performance
gaming mode enabled and using that little switch there on the left-hand side so that going to chew through the battery but it's going to give you the maximum most optimal
performance so you probably need to charge it at some point you're gonna have to use a Bluetooth headset which comes to the obvious cones no 3.5-millimeter headphone jack its
kind of crazy this is a gaming device it really really really should have it so that's not great they also the lacking microSD card, Wow you know should have it so
they're forcing us to get the hundred and gigabyte model really because gamers are going to need a lot of storage I don't see a lot of people opting for the 64gigabytes
because some games can be like 5 gigabytes can be really huge once you install everything different levels for example like real racing 3 that game can take up a lot of
space there so yeah no microSD card and they're missing that3.5 millimeter headphone jack if you can get over there so far it's looking like a decent phone so what do
you guys think in the comments they let me know about the designer but did like the green around here do you think it's a little bit over the top do you
think you could put up with it or would you go for something like charmeuse me max - it's personally I would go for the new MX 2ssame trip set pretty
much the same exact and performance but the slimmer bezels shorter design and I roll just a nicer feeling phone with ceramic on there - now if you like Xiaomi
products I will have the new me 6x coming up on the channel so that's got the snapdragon 660 also the Mi Gaming Laptop I hope to get that next week and
also the Mi 6x there so stay tuned to the channel for that please subscribe and if you like this video please give a like my latest videos are right up here
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