iPhone 11 Pro Max Review - Some Disadvantages

iPhone 11 Pro Max Review

iPhone 11 Pro Max Review - Some Disadvantages

Hi everyone the iPhone 11 pro max has been my main device over the past couple of weeks I've used it every single day all day long and I've really been enjoying

using it compared to the XS Max but I wanted to go over the good and the bad there are some great things about it and there's a couple bad things and

not as many as maybe last year but there are afew so let's go over those now the first thing you need to know is that the iPhone 11 pros and

the 11 Pro max are identical in every single way except for the screen size of five point eight for 6.5 inches and also the battery capacity iPhone 11 pro max.

800 nits average brightness and then will peak out at1200 nits if you're trying to watch an HDR movie, for example, the display looks incredible its a nice and vibrant its

super color accurate and it's easy to see in sunlight you'll see I have this wallpaper that's actually very dark in some areas and light and others and I can still see

it fine in bright sunlight that's a really great thing on this new phone is it's just super bright it's brighter than the XS Max not by a ton but it

here but they increased the rate fast enough where it doesn't bother my eyes anymore so at about 290 Hertz it's flickering fast enough that it seemingly doesn't bother me at all

like previous generations of apple o LEDs I actually have a hard time looking at them it causes me to be nauseated and gives me headaches so this year it doesn't do

that I'm happy to report that and that's definitely a positive for me the next positive thing for me is build quality the build quality on this phone seems better to me

its stainless steel around the outside edge but also there are no sharp edges like there was on the tennis Maxx for me this was a sharp lip right here so it was

really sharp around the edges and overall it just didn't feel built as well as the iPhone X, for example, sothis years was back to the very high quality I know some

is constructed of glass which it been that way since the iPhone 8 and this year its got a matte finish on the back and I actually find this to be a

the good thing and the reason I say that is it's less slippery if you re not using a case I think it's great for me I know some people think its more slippery

I actually find it to be less slippery so the front is the same the back is less slippery for me if you're not using a case of course if your using

a case it's going to be even better the next positive thing for me is battery life is easily three to four hours better on the iPhone11 pro max

then it was on my XS Max with regular software if I'm not using betas its definitely an incredible jump when it comes to battery and that thanks to a much larger

battery so we're seeing that not only due to the new chipset inside but also the battery itself and that leads me over to the new 13 Bionic that's another major

positive its incredibly fast the 13Bionic is just super fast all of the time there are no issues as far as scrolling frame rates are super smooth as you can see

here and because this video is in 4k 60 I think you can appreciate just the smoothness and the speed overall now a lot of people ask me how the reception is on

the new phones and I'm happy to report its much better for me than the XS Max now the tennis max reception wise was okay for me but this is a big

leap especially with speeds and also Wi-Fi speeds now that it supports Wi-Fi 6 so I'm happy to report that next year well probably see Qualcomm modems or some variants in a sample

bought Intelpant patents this time around but were stuck with Intel phones in this particular generation now other than the major positive of battery life we also have incredible cameras this year

and these cameras are so good I've been using them for video, in fact, I'm using them for the entire video while shooting this so right now the forward-facing camera is

what I'm recording with and the rest of the video is recorded with the rear-facing camera of the pros they're just incredible cameras but let's take a closer look at

some of the features and see what the photos look like now the cameras this year is what really makes this phone stand out Apple has done a terrific job of making them incredibly good so you'll see I'm zoomed out using the ultra line I

can go to 1x or 2x back out and the 1x and 2x are stabilized and they're incredibly stable when walking and Ill show you that in a moment but if we

go back out to the ultra-wide it's actually so wide that if I slide my finger up from the bottom it's in the frame even though it's not near the lens

so its an incredibly wide shot and looks really good if you're trying to capture a ton of information when you're in the Photos app it's really interesting because it's stitching together the

ultra-wide and the 1x camera so if I zoom in you'll see now its stitching together the 2x and the 1x camera zoom back out to ultrawide then it stops

going over the actual frame so its kind of an interesting way to see what you can see in other lenses if you want to zoom in and out it is

a little bit difficult to frame though so if you want to change that hit this little arrow here and now we have options for things like 16:9 so I want to go

one X to 16:9 now I can see the whole thing and it makes it a little bit easier to frame when you're going between 4:3 16:9 maybe for a thumbnail

YouTube and then you have some other options here with filters and time-lapse and flash as well apply this year has really improved stabilization so you'll see I'm at 1xjust walking

down a trail and it seems to be very very stable it can zoom into2x and it's still pretty stable it's gonna get a little more wobbly but backout to

1x and then if I switch to ultra-wide the stabilization shuts off so now I'm at ultra-wide and because it's such a wide shot you don't really need to be stabilized

lens it's pretty stable overall now when you're in an environment that's dark enough a little icon will show up on the iPhone and this indicates the new night mode and Apple

the mode you can activate it when the icon shows up otherwise there's no way to activate it manually but it just shows up as it gets darker up and then you have

some options for exposure times or your aperture so depending on if you're holding it by hand or if it's on a tripod this time will vary based on motion it's sensing

using it using its sensors now let's take a look at a very dark environment and Ill show you what this can actually do now we're in a dark environment and there

seconds for maximum exposure so let's go ahead and hit the button to record the photo andyoull see it is very dark and as it starts to gather light it starts to expose

on the iPhone screen itself and this is really interesting to watch and the maximum time is 30 seconds and its pretty amazing the results you can get because it will get

details that I cant see for example you'll see there's a small white box there that's actually an iPhone box but I can't see that with mutton with my eyes without

any lights on so I can't make out any detail on it just know there's a faint shadow that looks like a box in the background and so I cant see

the word iPhone and I cant see that word at all in this particular environment even with these screens on there's not enough light for me to see if I can only

see that LED that's right there and that's about it there's not a whole lot of light in this room its pretty amazing what it can do and this is not the

ideal situation but this gives you an idea of what it can do now here's the exact same background I haven't moved anything but this is what it looked like before I

turned off the lights you'll see it did a pretty good job of capturing and overall take a look at a couple other photos that were captured at night now Apple

has finally included a fast charger in the box with the phone this is an 18-watt fast charger similar to that of the iPad pro its USB c2lightning and will

charge the phone about 50% in 30 minutes now the last positive is the speakers are really good on this phone you've got the forward-facing speaker on the top

and then the down-firing speaker on the bottom and combined they have a really nice sound its a wider sound as Apple calls it and it's just better overall its really

really loud and I'm glad they 've just made it better and better I didn't think you could get much louder than the XS Max but these definitely feel louder to me now

let's move on to the bad or the negative things about this phone and the first thing is they've removed 3d touch now I know a lot of you are not going

to be bothered by that but if you are familiar with using 3d touch and like to use it they've removed the way it works its now a long press or haptic

touch and while that doesn't bother me too much it is a little bit slower and it's just not as nice it feels like they've removed a feature although they have added battery

price the price continues to start at $1,000 and goes all the way to about $1,500 in theUnited States that can be much higher overseas and its a problem for a

a lot of people now, of course, there's the iPhone 11 which is a good option for most people but if you want that better display and that ultra-wide camera along with the

the telephoto lens you'll have to opt for at least $1000plus and or at least wait another year until they come down in price so that going to be a big negative

for a lot of people and finally, while this may or may not be a negative for some people they're probably going to redesign this phone next year many people are expecting

a full redesign with possibly a smaller notch maybe even a larger battery or similar size battery and then maybe even an iPhone 4 typestyle so if you want the latest

and greatest you may want to wait until next year you have an XS Max or an X because the full redesign seems to be a three-year cycle and this is

the third iteration of this phone so that may be a problem for you otherwise I highly recommend it so that's it for the good and bad of the iPhone 11 pro

and pro max let me know what you think about it in the comments below I still recommend it to anyone looking for an upgrade if you love the iPhone ecosystem or

iOS ecosystem it's only going to get better from here on out with deep fusion coming to the cameras later with 13.2 or it may be out by the time you're watching

this it just gets better and better and less buggy over time as far as updates are concerned but let me know your experience with it in the comments below and if you're

picking one up or maybe you're going to hold off until next year thanks so much for watching and if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe and hit that notification bell if

you'd like to see more of these videos as soon as they're released if you enjoyed the video please give it alike as always thanks for watching I'll see you next

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