Why people So Obsessed With Google Pixel 4 Review

Google Pixel 4 Review

Why people So Obsessed With Google Pixel 4 Review

we have spent the last month or so making myself use the pixel for every single day as my main phone and I'm afraid to say that a month on made

really is the operative word I don't hate this phone by any means but after a month of using it I don't love it any more than I first did and this

still really feels like a big disappointment and a misstep from Google here's why she's pretty rare that battery is the thing I most want to talk about when I'm reviewing

a phone but it's kind of hard to ignore when it comes to the pixel for especially with this which is the smaller regular model not the XL with a less

than 3000milliamp hour capacity, I'm still only 3,700 in the bigger phone that's just not enough and it never looked like enough on paper and then when I first used the phone

for my initial review for a few days, I felt like it wasn't enough the battery was honestly the main reason I wanted to shoot a month on a review video in

the first place because while that 2,800 milliamp-hour capacities seemed really small at first I wanted to give Google the benefit of the doubt and hope that its adaptive battery tech

would save the day basically it claims that it will manage your battery usage throttling and turning off apps that you don't use very much while leaving in that other extra battery

power for the stuff that you use all the time and yet it kind of work I think the battery life has been better a month in I feel like I'm getting

an extra half an hour an extra hour each day which is a big improvement from what I was getting before but it's just still not enough it's still the case that

every night or at least its getting very close to dying by that point I'm hitting single digits guaranteed at some point in the day and when I went traveling using

the phone all day to take photos to check Google Maps book Hoovers that kind of thing fourth the battery just went I had to top out every single option in without fail

or it would have died before I even made it to dinner and that's just not good enough from a flagship in 2019 now if you've got the four XL the bigger

the model that's definitely less of a problem it's still not a phenomenal battery life but it will be enough to get you through the day most days and on the smaller pixel

for that just in the case now yeah there's 18 what fast and there's wireless charging so it is easy to keep the top so if you just need to sort

of plug it in for 20minutes in the afternoon you'll get a decent amount of battery back from that which does mitigate the problem slightly so if you're just happy with

the idea that you'll have to remember most afternoons to plug it in for a little bit then its fine you'll be ok with that for me I don't like those compromises I

don't want to be worrying about my battery all the time I just think that when you're spending this much on a phone has to have battery life anxiety just doesn't make

the sense in 2019 you could buy a phone for half the price with basically double the battery capacity the pixel 4 is a small phonetics a slim phone you could make

this thing bigger there's just no reason itcouldnt be bigger still I guess that would compromise one of the things I do like about it which is the design I know

its been a little bit controversial known everyone loves it but I'm a fan of how the pixel four looks there's a lot about that design to like I really like how

simple and sort of sparse the back is you get a good sense of that and this sort of glossy black finish but I actually think the matte orange and white look

a lot better they really pop here really distinctive and it means that black camera cutter really stands out and contrasts against the rest of it you obviously still get that kind

of color contrasting power button one of my favorite little pixel touches and I really glad to see it's still there especially against this new sort of black matte plastic heat bezels a

a lot of people I've spoken to uh said they won't like it they find the fact it's kind of grippy and plastic he makes the phone feel cheap to them I'm actually

a really big fan though it helps me keep a good grip almost otherwise just a slab of glass I also feel like it echos the kind of design language you see

for him saying Nintendo where it does feel kind of toy-like but that's no bad thing the downside of all that is the front Imean we've got omit that in

the year when like you can get totally fullscreen displays on a phone having this massive bezel at the top is a big downside especially when there's still a bit of

a bezel at the bottom the sort of asymmetry of it bothers me a little but its better than the pixel three excels horrible knots which were an on the absolute worst

and I will say as someone who normally uses the 1 7 Profit is a relief every time I go back to that phone get it out the drawer to

test something and I get that screen going all the way up to the topI do miss that with a pixel for it doesn't help that a big part of the reason

for having that big bezel at the top is because it packs in or the motion sent stack which well I could really do without its cool it works but it's completely unnecessary so yeah it will help you face on up the phone a tiny bit quicker when you pick it up great I not even sure I could tell the difference to be honest and Apple already does that with an accelerometer and it works

fine and doesn't need all that chunky bezel space you can you know wave at Pikachuon the wallpaper fun I love it I've got the Pikachu wallpaper completely unnecessary and actually the

sort of actual motion controls like waving your hand to silence an alarm or skip tracks I never use some people might I guess you're cooking or something but knowing times

out of 10 you're still gonna be better off just using the touchscreen and I don't really feel these are better or more reliable or faster in any significant way than LGs

camera based implementation in the g8 yeah its a little bit better but not enough to actually make me every use it, of course, the other thing that that big chunky top bezel

contributes to is the biometric stuff the face unlock there's a lot more tech in there than just a camera and that's part of what's useful what is genuinely very secure

very impressive face unlock system comparable to what apple offers there is one obvious downside which is it works when your eyes are shut I can't believe Google let that in I

know they said its probably going to get patched but it is still wild but anyone could point my phone at my face while I'm asleep and get into it if that

gets fixed when that gets fixed this will be a great system though the downside is I do still miss the fingerprint sensor every now and then the face on what doesn't work

for some reason and then I'm stuck putting my pen in and I miss having a fingerprint sensor as a backup for exactly that situation that's especially a shame because while putting one in

on the back would have disrupted that nice sweet unbroken finish in screen tech is mostly good enough now that they I feel like they could have fit one into the display

and that would've been the life thing I appreciate that could have driven the price up to and maybe not enough people would have gotten used out of it especially with the really genuinely

very fast face unlock there but for me giving up on a fingerprint entirely isn't where I want to be right now so there are a couple other big new things that

are totally new to the pixel for one is the 90 Hertz smooth display I mean I say it's you to the pixel for new for the pixel series this isn't

the first phone with a 90 years display you can even get ones with a faster 120 Hertz display but still the 90 helps refresh rate is really really lovely its one

of my favorite things about this phone even if I know sometimes it doesn't run all the time and it's triggered by brightness when it turns on and off but that kind

of makes sense because I love brightness I can't tell if it's on or off any way that's the whole point and I wouldn't want it on all the time because that would

make the battery life even worse than it is I appreciate that where I'm in a nice bright condition when the brightness is turned up animations and this thing looks really really beautiful

it's really fluid it's really nice to use ninetyhurt is one of the biggest upgrades you can get in a flagship at the moment it's one of my favorite things that

been rolling out across more and more brands it's very hard to describe it's very hard to show on video when you use it itis hard to go back and its

great the Google house packed back into the pixel for its part of what makes this display really really lovely I just wish it was a display packed into a phone that

as a whole, I loved more the other big new thing here that I haven't thought about yet is the new Google assistant that because I don't use it that's because I

cant use it we've got a whole video dedicated to helping you set up the Google Assistant on the phone in case you don't have the new one because if you're like

me you might set the pixel for up and find out that the new assistant isn't even there that because in addition to using gesture controls which I do you also need

to set the assistant language to us English rather than my normal UK English and worst of all you have to log out of any G suite account for me that just

instant option I use G suite for work and it is wild but one of the headline features in this new phone one of the most talented things not only isnt

available English oh that is understandable and it was all out eventually but it's not compatible with Googles massive b2bproduct its like huge work suite that so many people use and

if you have a Gsuite account on your phone that you use for your work email address or anything like that you just can't get the new assistant for me I

have to make the choice between accessing my work emails literally and necessary part of my job or having a slightly faster assistant and yet the assistant lost out it is good it

is faster it is cool having a continued conversation is great not enough to justify the fact that is basically broken in its current implementation and the thing that you might argue should

be first for a pixel but I think its telling for the four that its the last thing I want to talk about if the camera so pixel phones have always been

on for the cameras that been the thing that Google has pushed computational photography is something that its really thrown into the limelight as a company and its made a big fuss in

the past about how it can do with software what everyone else throws four lenses up that's why it was a big deal that it threw our second lens into the pixel for a telephoto lens what disappointing is actually the telephoto lens is yeah it's there it's fine it's good it gives you a roughly two times optical zoom and then there are all sorts of digital zoom stuff going on beyond that computational

photography again that gives you much better results on that up to eight times it and it is really impressive well it's a shame it's not better than what other people

are doing what way is p30 range and in the oppor we know 10 times zoom there similar tech going on and these other companies are doing it just as well

google if not better plus they're actually throwing in more powerful sort of optical zoom Hardware as a starting point to get even better results so yeah the telephoto is nicer but

it's by no means the best around it doesn't help that the color consistency just isnt there between the two lenses when you shift between the main so shooting with mainlands and

shooting with the combo of the main lens and the telephoto you will see that the exposure is different HDR effects are different you'll get different tones to the photos you

take other than that the camera is great I mean its phenomenalists a pixel camera, of course, it's great it's still one of the best on the madam from the channel just

did a big camera comparison with the pixel for weighing it up against the iPhone 11 pro and the Galaxy Note 10 and while weighs 30 Pro from earlier this year

the pixel foot didn't come out on top though but it did do very well its still a phenomenal camera even without even with the fact that I think the telephoto underperforms

just a little bit the big addition for me is the dual exposure sliders that let you adjust the exposure parts of the image separately which lets you get some really nice

effect balance stuff out sometimes better than what the AI does by itself and also get some artistic finishes to stuff that the algorithm just doesn't know you might want portrait mode is

still here still phenomenal still for my money the best portrait mode on the market night sights still here still phenomenal still potentially the best night mode on the market through the

competitions really caught up there its also after a photography mode that has been hyped a lot by Google it's telling that in a month with the phone I haven't used it once

that's not actually for lack of trying it's just I live in central London the light pollution is real guys I cannot get a single shot of the night sky without light

flowing up from the city clouds covering the whole way I don't see stars I never see stars this phone won't help with that but if you live out in the countryside

or just somewhere that's not quite as bad as London its a cool mode but it is something you're probably gonna use once or twice and never again unless you are a

photographer whos really focused on that kind of stuff finally the other bigger mission that people have talked a lot about is a video I don't personally shoot a lot of video with

a phone but I think if you do it is gonna be a real downside that the pixel 4 just can compete with others in terms of the frame rates it handles

the slow-mo it offers I think 4k well this is not a video from it would do what you need for snaps you out of a video chair for stuff like that

but if you want to actually record really beautiful professional-looking video footage this isn't the right phone for that and its a shame I think its something Googlerwere really gonna has to

push on next year and catch up on because other brands Apple and Samsung have both made really big pushes into the quality of their video footage with their cameras and Google

right now is lagging very far behind its a very competent phone in a lot of ways its an incredibly incompetent phone in a lot of other ways its made some advancements in

camera but not enough to match the fact that everyone else in the industry is chasing Google as fast as they can and have caught up or gone past them in a

few key areas and it all just comes down to me into that battery life its just not good enough and I cannot recommend that anyone buy a phone for seven hundred

pounds eight hundred dollars that cannot last a single full day on one charge so yeah a month in I still don't know the pixel for but hey you might we've got

a pixel for tips and tricks where I show you how to make the most of the phone if you have bought one and if you are a fan of it

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