Canon 800D (T7i) Real World Camera Review

Canon 800D Camera Review

Canon 800D (T7i) Real World Camera Review

Hello today I'm going to be doing something a little bit different and I going to review this the new Canon 800D (T7i)Those of you that have been following me for

a while will know I do like to do the odd gear review and that's what this is going to be today it's not going to be a review where we delve

into settings or features of the new camera, I like to get out into the real world and really put a camera through its paces and that's what I'm going to do

today from a landscape photography point of view photography can get very expensive cant it?

And the Canon 5d Mark 4 is a hugely expensive camera.... over £3,000 but this is much more reasonable and something much more likely that people just getting into photography or

even amateurs will start to buy and you can still get really good pictures from a camera like this or at least that's what I'm going to test out today so I'm here

in the Lake District in Crummock Water and I'm going to start the day as many of my vlogs with a little time-lapse.

One of the things this has built-in is a movie time-lapse mode so were going to put that through its paces come with me and well test out this camera

let's go now one of the reasons that I've upgraded to this camera from the old700d was for the video features this camera has what the Canon 5d Mark has and

that's the dual pixel autofocus for video and Canon absolutely nail that technology and it makes shooting video on a DSLR so easy so really I think this is going to be

just a perfect vlogging camera there's going to be no more of those shots especially walking ones like this where my face goes slightly out of focus because it gets distracted by

something in the background so it should be much improved on this camera.

It is still lacking in 4k which is a bit of a shame this really would be the perfect vlogging camera if it had that but Canon has still decided to

Today for the video though everything you see if the camera itself is not actually in the shot will be shot on the Canon 800d (T7i) so you can really get

an idea of what the video footage looks like right one of the shots I wanted to capture today was a macro shot I don't that much macro photography out and about

but when I do I want to know that the camera I am using can cope with that so I want to test that out with the Canon 800Dto make sure

Now I've found this really pretty purple thistle plant I don't know what it called but it's covered in spikes and I don't want to touch it to stop it blowing

around in the wind so I'm just going to compose my shot on this little bud that's in front of me here and hope that the autofocus system of this camera will

be able to handle the changes in the focus field as it moves and blows about in the wind the focus speed does also depend on a little bit on this lens I

have the Canon 100mm Macro L lens on her settings wise I am at one 1/200 of a second because I don't want to see any of that motion in the flower.

I'm at f/5 just to sort of extending the depth of field a little bit because if I go any less than that it will just be too blown out in

my shot and then I'm at ISO 400 to balance out that exposure there's then some of these ferns and they're going to act is a nice green background to my shot

this camera has 46 autofocus points I think so it should do a pretty good job here let's give it a try.

It is blowing about quite a lot so I'm just going to try and compose the shot get some of that nice green into the background I am in AI focus

mode so it moves it tracks it but then it does lock on as well and it's at that point that it beeps that I'm going to shoot so let's have a

look at that and that's looking really good one thing you should expect when shooting in Britain in July or any time of year and particularly when you come to the Lake District

Its quite changeable its fairly dull conditions even though it was forecast to be nice and it's probably only a matter of time before 800D here gets its first test by getting

The 700d I had before this one was pretty good it got pretty wet on several occasions and still survived.

It died once when I dropped it in the mud but well see probably today how the 800d does so I'm at the top and I've not said this for a

while but I've got those 360degree views all the way around and trying not to fall off the mountain itis absolutely stunning however the weather is not quite playing ball

as I would like it to I was planning to get this sort of composition here for the sunset but it's just not working out with the weather so I'm not going

to risk it and hang around until sunset time but I am going to put this canon800D to good use now and capture a nice landscape shot, okay so I'm set up

for a shot, I've got the Canon 800D down here on the tripod got a nice composition as you can see behind me and I'm using the rocks at either side of the foreground just to lead you into that lake and those beautiful mountains in the background there.

I've got the two legs in there so it's quite an interesting shot I've got the circular polarizer on the front to take some of that Sheen off the water.

Now what I'm looking for when I'm testing a new camera is particularly sharpness in the corners of the frame that is quite dependent on the lens though and at the

the moment I've got the Canon 10-18mmlens on there because I want to show that you can get great landscape photographs even with a really good value camera so all in all

the camera is about £750 and that lens you can get secondhand for about £100 so you're well under 900 pounds here for this full setup and you can get some really good

landscape images I'm going to be using the two-second timer on the camera and I'm bracketing this shot at the moment.

I'm at f/16 to get these rocks in the foreground in focus and then the shutter speed about one-tenth of a second ISO at one hundred because I want to

really see what this camera can do so classic mountain weather I've got my shots in the bag I've done a time-lapse and while that's all been happening the weather has

turned absolutely beautiful back on the 800d here and then I am going to climb down from the mountain get back down to the lake and capture the final shot of the

Absolutely gloriousokay so I'm set up for the last shot of the day I've got the camera on the tripod Canon 800 D with that 10-18mm lens on I'm using

this big rock in the foreground here and that's just sending you into the lake and then into the mountains in the background, it really isnt a complicated shot it's not going to

be the best shot in the world either the light has dropped again the cloud cover has come in and all the interesting light has yet again disappeared.

I'm bracketing the shot just to be sure but I'm at f/16 just to get this exposure as long as possible and I'm going to just smooth out that water

tiny bit I've got the circular polarizer on the front and that's just creating some slight bit of interest in the foreground because you can see underneath the water in it kind

of has a coppery feel to it which is quite nice I've had a really really good day shooting with this camera it is absolutely brilliant that autofocus, particularly for video, is

a game-changer thinks with a camera at this price point The alternatives from Nikon are things like the D5600 but the video standard just is not what this camera is offering.

It is a shame that it doesn't offer 4kotherwise it would have been an absolute winner with pretty much no comparison but as it is it does 1080p it does

it at 50 frames a second so you can get that nice bit of slow-motion as well but on the whole, I think its a really good camera that's going to be

very useful for many people it's going to be useful for me as I use it as my vlogging camera from now on but for the enthusiast even slightly sort of

the more experienced photographer may get some real use out of this camera at particular times when you want something just a bit lighter than your main body its got the option of

the interchangeable lenses which really are going to help when you want a bit of versatility and you want to progress and increase the quality of your glass.

Just an all-round excellent camera and I'm looking forward to using it more.

From that 24 megapixel sensor expecting good things you've got a set up there like I said earlier with it cost less than 900 pounds and some of the images

you can capture think are going to be very much well worth the money when you consider the amount of money that some photographers including me spend on photography gear I hope

you have enjoyed the video I have had a great day yet again in the lake district.

If you're new to the channel please do subscribe because there's more videos like this there's more vlogs where I get out and about and show you and document my shooting

You can pick up some tips, tricks, things like thatand just see how I go about capturing my work.

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